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Global cosmetic packaging and brand marketing strategy

Global cosmetic packaging and brand marketing strategy

Global cosmetic packaging and brand marketing strategy

Globalization has become an important strategy for enterprises to compete internationally, and issues such as cosmetics brand development, cosmetics packaging, brand innovation, and brand marketing have also received increasing attention. Although they do not have the rich brand management experience of international brands and lack the management methods for successful brand operation, China's local companies are still exploring feasible ways, starting from learning the advanced technology and management experience of foreign companies, to learning the successful publicity of foreign companies. , marketing model, and strive to innovate to drive economic development. The cosmetics industry is no exception to this.

Looking at the current cosmetics industry, although the role of packaging has been valued by many companies, due to the lack of a systematic packaging strategy, the misunderstanding of the marketing concept of "one package conquers the world" has emerged.

Well-known brand marketing and cosmetic packaging use their own characteristics to lock in consumers. This is the power of the brand. Brands give us a sense of certainty, a sense of belonging. Well-known brand marketing and cosmetic packaging use their own characteristics to lock in consumers.

1. Cosmetic packaging, its products and prices

Good packaging must be full of requirements to "wrap" the product. In actual marketing operations, we should pay attention to the following key points:

(1) Based on the characteristics of cosmetics, strengthen the anti-riot, anti-mildew, and moisture-proof functions of packaging to extend the storage life of the products;

(2) In order to transform the product into a commodity, essential elements such as commercial information, product identification, functional instructions and instructions for use should be fully integrated into the packaging design;

(3) Combine the attributes and characteristics of the product (size, raw materials, selling points), select packaging materials, and select internal and external packaging in a targeted manner. Based on consumers' cognitive patterns of similar product packaging (packaging appearance, color, layout, material, specifications, etc.), design packaging that conforms to consumers' cognitive habits in order to save information dissemination costs; in the face of market information interference, you can You can create creative packaging with great freedom, but the premise is to fully express the attributes of the product. Creative packaging that lets consumers know what product this is at a glance.

Price is often positioned based on the cost of goods and consumers' price acceptance orientation.

 In terms of the "price" of packaging, it also includes both the approximate cost and the added value of the product. The cost of good packaging involves:

(1) Packaging material cost and design cost: Different materials, specifications and fine workmanship directly affect the cost. The design fees of design companies at different levels are also different, but do not compress the design cost in order to reduce costs, because no matter what the cost of packaging materials is, it must be reflected and added value through the design cost.

(2) Production costs and logistics costs: Whether it is hand-made or machine-made, costs are inseparable. After packaging the finished product, its transportation costs in logistics cannot be ignored.

In fact, good packaging does not necessarily require extremely high costs, but good packaging design often adds a lot of value to the product. The following is a brief explanation of how packaging can add added value to the product: Creative packaging that conforms to consumer cognitive habits (Appearance, color, layout, material, specifications, etc.) is the best way to add added value to the product; design packaging from the perspective of consumers to facilitate their use, portability, and post-use handling; packaging that is unique and in line with the brand concept Design adds added value and brand culture to the brand; high-cost packaging does not mean high-value packaging. Packaging design that caters to the green and environmentally friendly trend can add unique charm to the product.

2. Cosmetic packaging and its brand

Good packaging is the symbol of the brand. However, the packaging must become a symbol of the brand. Getting consumers to recognize, accept, like and remember is not something that can be achieved in a short period of time. Therefore, good packaging is formed through long-term persistence and continuous improvement.

The packaging of a cosmetics highlights the information that the product wants to convey, and at the same time allows consumers to condense their emotional factors onto the packaging, thereby stimulating the audience and promoting sales. Therefore, the product concept, selling points, brand, symbols and other elements must be skillfully presented on the product packaging.

Cosmetic packaging identification design provides a more direct and effective way for marketing communication, thus becoming an important part of the company's overall marketing communication strategy. 3/4 of consumers' shopping desires are psychological factors and 1/4 are functional factors.

Some companies try to stabilize their original consumer groups with new products when their products enter a mature stage. However, in order to innovate and improve the quality, the packaging style of new products has been changed too much, making it difficult for consumers to accept it.

In fact, the current brand meaning has been greatly expanded. It has been linked to the overall image of the company and is the "face" of the company. That is corporate image. A good brand product often makes people have a good impression of the company that produces the product, which will eventually make consumers identify with the company's other products, thereby improving the overall image of the company. Therefore, brand strategy has actually evolved into a strategy for cosmetics companies to carefully cultivate core brand products to adapt to market competition, and then use core products to create corporate brand images, and ultimately improve the overall image of the company. It is a strategy used by companies to participate in market competition. means.

3. Focus on research and development. Improve brand innovation awareness

Marketing strategy requires long-term persistence and continuous innovation, and a brand is not built overnight. In the new marketing theory, promotion is understood as how to communicate effectively with consumers. In terms of packaging, it is actually an important carrier for communication with the market. As a fashionable consumer product, cosmetics require high-quality packaging materials to enhance their value. At present, almost all kinds of materials are used in cosmetic packaging, and glass, plastic, and metal are the main materials used for cosmetic packaging containers. Cartons are often used as outer packaging for cosmetics.

Establish a professional research institution that specializes in researching and testing the public's response to products to better develop cosmetics, meet consumer needs, and provide experimental basis for the development of new product formulas. At the same time, in view of the current situation that the brand lacks international visibility and influence, and the brand reputation and loyalty are insufficient, cosmetics companies should increase international thinking in brand design, establish the umbrella market concept, and grasp the market from the overall perspective of international market development. Opportunities, grasp the target market, participate in market competition, and learn from international cosmetics giants and learn from their successes.

4. How cosmetics companies build brand marketing strategies

Precisely because of the important role of brand in corporate development, cosmetics companies must establish their own brand strategy, which is the basis for companies to remain invincible in market competition. How does a company create its own brand strategy? It can be carried out from the following four aspects.

(1) Enterprises must first have the strategic awareness to create a modern brand

On the one hand, the leaders of the enterprise must establish the most modern brand strategy awareness and pay attention to brand work; on the other hand, they must have a correct understanding of brand strategy. Only when a brand is created can the sales of the product be good and the company can gain a foothold in the market. Ultimately, a good brand image of the company is established.

(2) Enterprises should pay attention to creating their own brands

When companies formulate brand strategies, they must treat packaging design, registered trademarks, and owning their own brand as a major event. Before the goods are released, trademarks come first. Some well-known companies in the world all attach great importance to trademark registration. Only if you have your own brand. Enterprises will not lose in competition.

(3) Enterprises must vigorously promote their brands

To create a brand, you need to vigorously promote your products through the media and increase the visibility of your products. When some of our companies are short of funds, they first cut advertising expenses. The company does not advertise because of operating difficulties, but not advertising will make it more difficult to operate.

(4) Enterprises should obtain more product “passports” to strengthen their brands

Enterprises should pay attention to various internationally accepted quality system certifications, such as IS09000 quality system certification. In addition, they should also pay attention to ISO14000 environmental certification and various professional and regional product certifications. This is a passport for enterprise products to enter the international and domestic markets, and it is also a powerful weapon for enterprises to win in fierce market competition.

In short, in the process of creating a brand, an enterprise must not only establish a correct understanding of the brand, but also truly attach importance to the enterprise's brand strategy work. Only in this way can the enterprise maintain its tenacious vitality.