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Industry news

Children's cosmetics packaging development

Children's cosmetics packaging development

Children's cosmetics packaging development

With the increasing income of Chinese families, parents are paying more attention to their children's daily care, and the increase in natural products on the market has enabled the children's care product market to continue to grow, with great potential for development. Children's cosmetics are favored by the industry, and competition is becoming increasingly fierce. In the children's cosmetics consumer market, price is no longer the main determining factor, and most parents prefer to buy brand-name products. Therefore, the quality, safety and brand image of children's cosmetics are becoming more and more important. Many manufacturers or manufacturers that were not involved in children's products have begun to join the ranks of children's skin care products and launch their own children's brands.

Good packaging can speak for itself, because through appearance packaging such as color, shape and decoration, it can intuitively convey various information about the product, such as brand, logo, raw material composition of the product, the group of people the product is suitable for, the characteristics of the product and its competition. The biggest difference between competitors, etc., and convey the connotation and cultural tendency of the brand, thereby giving consumers a great visual impact and making them have the impulse to buy. Especially for those consumers who have impulse buying tendencies and focus on perceptual consumption, the role of packaging in the occurrence of consumption behavior is even more obvious.

There is no difference in packaging materials between children's cosmetics and adult cosmetics, but there are differences in printing patterns and shapes, so they are easier to distinguish. Children's cosmetics manufacturers generally believe that children's cosmetics packaging must fully consider children's psychological needs in design, and design product packaging that caters to children's vision and feel based on children's psychological characteristics and preferences. Interesting is the key to children's cosmetics and care product packaging. . Modern children have grown up with computers and video games and therefore prefer things that are interactive. They prefer fun and festive designs or bottle shapes, as well as different pumping systems and pop-open caps. Usually, the packaging of children's cosmetics uses contrasting colors and cute shapes to attract the attention of children, especially their parents.

At present, children's cosmetics packaging on the market is roughly divided into two categories, one is simple type and the other is cartoon type. The former pursues a simple, simple and generous style, while the latter caters to children's love for cute cartoon shapes.

With the development of the modern science and technology industry, the difference in product quality has become smaller and smaller, and product formulas, product functions and product benefits have become more or less the same. There are many factors that influence the purchase of children's cosmetics. The price factor is important, but it is not the key factor. In addition to perceptual elements such as brand image and media advertising, there is also product packaging, which is an element that consumers can "see and touch".

Some manufacturers of children's cosmetics will do some market research on the packaging before the products are launched on the market, recruit a large group of children, show them many types of packaging patterns, and solicit their opinions. This approach makes sense on the surface, but it does not really achieve the purpose of promoting the product. Because although the users of children's cosmetics are children, children often cannot decide to purchase the product, and only parents are the real buyers. Children's cosmetics cannot be like school bags and clothes. As long as the child likes it, the mother will buy it. When it comes to the use of personal care products, mothers first consider the safety, mildness and effectiveness of the product, followed by the aesthetic appearance of the product. . Therefore, if children's cosmetics want to sell well, they must be targeted at mothers and specifically arouse mothers' desire to buy. Of course, making babies like it is also one aspect. Therefore, children's cosmetics manufacturers must do enough homework in the design of product packaging. , we must consider how to please mothers and babies, and create product packaging that is suitable for all mothers and is easy to use.