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Industry news

Daily product packaging capacity is polarized

Daily product packaging capacity is polarized

Daily product packaging capacity is polarized

From the perspective of daily product packaging capacity, daily product packaging specifications tend to be polarized, that is, small-capacity packaging and large-capacity packaging. The small package is convenient for new customers to try out for the first time, and is also convenient to carry around. Large packaging is aimed at regular customers to save packaging costs, facilitate one-time purchase, and facilitate transportation, storage, and long-term use. Small packages can have a capacity of less than 300g or 180ml, or they can be convenient packages, that is, 10g, 20g or 10mL, 20ml per small package. There should be greater development in small-dose promotional packages in the future.

For daily-use products, in today's fierce market competition, it is undoubtedly a wise choice to use promotional methods for publicity. When new products are launched, some small free trial packs are given away or promotional packs are distributed with certain best-selling products. This is an excellent means of promotion and publicity, especially for daily necessities. Often, some daily necessities are damaged due to some discomfort after purchase. It causes waste and casts a big shadow on consumers. They only look for brands with certain habits when buying again, and they dare not buy at will. However, after accepting the small trial package, consumers will personally experience the performance of the product, feel the superiority of the product, become a direct spokesperson for this type of product, and become a living advertisement, thus allowing the small package to win the big market.

Regardless of whether it is a promotional package or a small package, the packaging form, printing pattern, product name and description are all in one-to-one correspondence with the large package, making it easier for consumers to identify the brand and achieve the purpose of small packaging with great benefits. Large packaging generally refers to packaging with a capacity of 2kg or 1.5L or more, which is more convenient, affordable and durable. Today's daily product manufacturers pay more attention to the selection of packaging materials and packaging design. Whether in bags or bottles, they take into account the actual load-bearing effect and convenience for consumers to access.