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The current situation of Chinese style cosmetic packaging

The current situation of Chinese style cosmetic packaging

The current situation of Chinese style cosmetic packaging

Chinese cosmetic packaging design began to emerge during the Republic of China. In recent years, the rise of local cosmetics brands in China has been obvious. The Chinese-style packaging design commonly used by these brands emphasizes the identity of domestic cosmetics brands, guides consumers to discover the brand's heritage and cultural connotation, and successfully creates the image of a representative brand of oriental aesthetics. In addition to expressing the attributes of goods and the aesthetic needs of consumers, packaging also creates differences and expresses cultural connotations. It is also an important appeal point of packaging design. Therefore, by studying the psychology of female consumers and understanding their consumption habits, consumption methods and consumption structure, we can perceive the differences between consumers with different budgets in Chinese-style packaging.

Chinese style cosmetic packaging

1. Traditional Chinese style—Chinese cosmetic packaging with a retro feel

Traditional Chinese style packaging design is a design composed of traditional design elements and national culture. It is a modern application of old elements. It is not a complete accumulation and abuse of old elements, but the use of traditional elements. Combining modern design aesthetics to create new design intentions, it can arouse people's beautiful associations with the traditional culture of the Chinese nation.

2. New Chinese style - modern Chinese cosmetics packaging

New Chinese style is the sublation and innovation based on Chinese style. It does not mean that the brand completely abandons some traditional and classic design elements, but advocates the improvement and update of traditional elements into the new era. Combined with Western design styles, the products present a modern feel. Make Chinese design elements more in line with the aesthetic needs of modern society.

Consumers are more receptive to cosmetics packaged in Chinese style. Overall, consumers prefer traditional Chinese style cosmetic packaging over new Chinese style. Discovered in a differential analysis of visual graphic elements of cosmetic packaging.

Consumers with different budgets have different perceptions of visual elements such as color, fonts and craftsmanship in packaging design. Groups with higher budgets are more affected by the color, craftsmanship, shape and material factors of packaging. These people have certain spending power. In addition to product performance, they have high requirements for product aesthetics and style design, and hope to gain a certain sense of identity through cosmetics. For consumers with low budgets, visual image elements have little impact on purchasing behavior. They pay more attention to the cost performance and quality of products. Overall, among the purchasing factors that influence consumers. Traditional culture is the most important factor, which shows that consumers generally have a high degree of identification with national culture and have a need to experience Chinese traditional culture through cosmetics.