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The application of hand-drawn illustrations in cosmetic packaging

The application of hand-drawn illustrations in cosmetic packaging

The application of hand-drawn illustrations in cosmetic packaging

With the development of the information age, packaging design has gradually become an important factor that people pay attention to when purchasing goods. With the improvement of people's living standards, people's purchasing power has gradually increased, and people's aesthetic taste has gradually improved. The requirements for products are no longer limited to their efficacy. Product packaging design also affects people's desire to purchase. Excellent packaging design will make the product stand out among the dazzling array of products. As a universal visual language, illustration is a popular design form today. Illustrations combine abstraction and concreteness to produce wonderful ideas, colorful colors, and vivid images, which can be thought-provoking and effectively attract consumers' attention.

The visual image of the illustration is simple and expressive, which can attract the attention of consumers and make them resonate. As decorative graphics, illustrations have the characteristics of pure art and can depict different forms of decorative effects. The packaging of cosmetics on the market is becoming more and more novel and unique, and hand-drawn illustrations are increasingly used in cosmetic packaging. Illustrations are accepted by the public and loved by women of different ages and classes. Integrating hand-drawn illustrations into cosmetic packaging can not only increase product sales, but also enhance consumer taste. It not only has social significance, but also has humanistic significance. Hand-drawn illustrations can give cosmetics profound connotations and enhance brand image and brand value. Hand-drawn illustrations are very rich and have strong expressive power. They can integrate art and culture into consumers' lives and make products have cultural connotations.

Illustrations are a highly practical design tool that can be seen everywhere in life and have certain appreciation value for people of different ages. The combination of retro cartons and expressive hand-painted illustrations makes cosmetics more attractive. Many people can’t put it down because of this product that combines practicality with design. The hand-painted illustrations bring a unique sense of beauty and exclusivity, making the product interesting and friendly. Even the used box girl will save it, which improves the reuse value of the packaging and has certain environmental significance.

Designers can use photography to reflect the connotation and quality of products, but photography products are relatively dull and monotonous. Illustrations have unique personal elements, which can convey the exact meaning more easily, making the packaging more lively and prominent, and more in line with the aesthetic concepts and tastes of people in the new era. Hand-drawn illustrations are different from the traditional photography packaging model that can be seen everywhere. It can give life and soul to the product.

The advantage of hand-drawn illustrations is that they reflect the emotional nature of the product. Cosmetic packaging is not only a material carrier of commercial activities, but also a cultural product for consumers. In order to increase the sales of cosmetics, it is necessary to enrich the emotional connotation of packaging to gain recognition from consumers and create emotional resonance. Not all illustrations on product packaging are related to the corporate image of the product. Designers can integrate life elements into product packaging, and then combine them with product attributes and integrate them into hand-drawn illustrations. Emotional packaging design strategy expresses product appeal in an indirect way. It has certain advantages compared with similar products and can give full play to the advantages of hand-drawn illustrations in packaging design. The visual information that consumers can obtain in a short period of time is limited, and the information in the packaging design of cosmetics is also limited. This requires designers to use appropriate visual forms of hand-drawn illustrations to accurately convey information, and pay attention to the order and theme of information transmission. relationships, resulting in creative ideas.

Packaging using hand-drawn illustrations has a rich visual language, which can make the product have a strong artistic appeal. Therefore, it is necessary to study the application rules and expression methods of hand-drawn illustrations. Hand-drawn illustrations have gradually become independent as a mature form of artistic expression in the refinement of the contemporary design industry. Designers should pay attention to studying the laws of hand-drawn illustrations, and forward-looking research on hand-drawn illustrations will promote the healthy development of the design industry.