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The influence of form factors on color design of cosmetic packaging

The influence of form factors on color design of cosmetic packaging

The influence of form factors on color design of cosmetic packaging

The plate factors, pattern factors and text factors have a very important influence on the color design of the series packaging. The harmonious plate design brings people comfortable visual enjoyment, and the perfect color matching can attract the attention of consumers. Between these three elements They are interconnected and inseparable, affecting the packaging of series cosmetics.

In the color design of series cosmetics packaging, as long as designers master three aspects, the design of series cosmetics packaging is of great significance. The plate format, pattern and text are also factors that affect the entire cosmetics design. Of course, color matching is the main factor that attracts consumers' attention, but these three factors cannot be ignored. Let's analyze the impact of each factor on the color design of a series of cosmetics one by one.

1. The influence of format factors on the color design of series of cosmetics

Aestheticians believe that beauty can express the appearance of things. Beautiful design is the result of long-term learning and generalization by designers. It is a form of human beings. It is a long-term understanding and understanding of beautiful forms in nature. It is a very important rule that color design must abide by. The design of the serialized packaging layout content is a perfect combination of color, graphics and text. It can better convey product information to consumers, express the characteristics of the product well, and allow consumers to read product information from the product packaging. Graphics, text, and color are the three elements of the visual language of the packaging design of a series of cosmetics. Among them, the clever arrangement and advantages of the layout design effect are inseparable from the designer's correct understanding and application of the beauty of visual forms. Only Only when the layout design and color design achieve a high degree of unity can it play its own positive role. Specifically, the relationship between color design and layout design is as follows.

Harmonious typographic color design. Beauty is the embodiment of harmony. Harmony brings people comfortable enjoyment. It enables people to pursue the goal based on the process of unified laws and pursue the beauty of harmony. The harmonious beauty of color design comes from the designer's own integration of the two elements of layout design and color design. The designer The ability to control elements and its control can impress the psychology of cosmetics consumers and provide a beautiful experience.

Of course, color and layout design must also be unified with the entire design style. Good design is not isolated, but a fusion and matching expression method of the entire style and overall packaging. He must take into account other design elements and combine them. These elements are organically integrated together to achieve the goal of making consumers look non-conflicting, non-obtrusive, non-obtrusive, comfortable and enjoyable, so that the visual and functional image of the entire package can form a harmonious unity, and at the same time have their own characteristics. Unique style. Therefore, when designing the relationship between layout and color, when a certain element in the picture is relatively prominent, the colors in the design should be modified by repeating the relevant colors, or using colors with low brightness and other colors. Matching, or adding achromatic color design is to reduce the strong sense of abruptness, so as to achieve harmony and unity of the packaging layout. Of course, the harmonious and unified aesthetics of the two is not only the limitation of design and color uniformity, but also cannot be rigid due to monotony. It should be Seeking change in unity is what serialized packaging color design must abide by, and it is also the most basic aesthetic rule. Contrast typographic color design. Contrast refers to a method of rearranging and combining elements in the design that are not harmonious. It can make the conflict of colors stronger. In good packaging design, contrast is commonly used by designers to distinguish themselves from others. Among other design techniques, contrast is a very important design expression technique. Good contrast design will make the color information more eye-catching, make the color design more expressive, the colors more lively, and the real effect stronger.

There are many ways to express contrast, and the design relationship between contrast and color is actually very simple and easy to achieve. When the visual display form of color graphic design is blocked, consumers will notice it when they see the packaging design. It feels very hard. If the color and layout are not designed well, the effect will appear messy. This is caused by the lack of fine element contrast. For example, the purity and brightness of the color lack contrast; if the color and layout design do not fully express the overall style. , at this time, the strength relationship of the color can be used to effectively adjust the color. The color uses brightness and hue, and the purity uses the method of high purity and contrast. Therefore, the relationship between contrasting layout design colors and layout is very important. Only when color contrast and harmonious layout are coordinated with each other, good cosmetic packaging can be designed.

2. The influence of patterns on the color design of series of cosmetics

The modern packaging design model of cosmetics is based on the formula of the product, and the visual image of the function. Graphics are the "visual language" that expresses clear product information. The unique graphic design of the excellent cosmetics series can not only explain the situation, It can also provide understanding communication through product graphics. The advantage of graphic language can transcend the barriers of regional, national, language and cultural exchanges to achieve communication and coordination with consumers.

Color design of the same graphic. When designing packaging, in order to make the packaging design of a series of cosmetics have strong integrity and cohesion, many companies have their own fixed portrait series packaging models, which not only reflects the unified variety design, but also reflects the changing design style. . The packaging design of a series of cosmetics requires uniform packaging patterns, but the packaging effect cannot be static. Therefore, designers are required to design this series of cosmetics based on the characteristics of the series of products, the tone, brightness and purity of the packaging color. The packaging is designed with a unique color system. When consumers purchase cosmetics, they recognize the product due to the systematic nature of color, and can easily identify the various varieties of the series of cosmetics in terms of capacity, ingredients, and efficacy.

Decorative packaging patterns have a wide range of uses. Traditional decorative patterns are designed to be used. Do not abuse them. You should pay attention to the correct usage of decorative patterns, necessary content, features, and background attributes. Packaging design patterns are an effective way to convey information quickly. In a fast-paced life, graphic packaging must be the most vivid visual form. The purpose of modern packaging graphic design is to quickly convey information with a vivid artistic image and attract people's attention with attractive graphics.

3. The influence of text on the color design of series of cosmetics

In the packaging design of cosmetics, text is the most direct element of product attributes. Good packaging design uses words and colors to spread product information. The text on the packaging usually contains the following information: product name, brand, trademark, advertising terms, ingredient information, weight and capacity, precautions, quality, instructions, instructions for use, and manufacturer's precautions. In fact, these words are information identification methods that help create and maintain continuity. The packaging is the most important text and the design is very personalized, thus highlighting the unique style of the essence of the cosmetics. Designers usually use appropriate text and appropriate colors to reflect product features.

In the design of packaging, the basic principles of visual communication of text fonts are rapid, clear and accurate, and standard readable fonts are used for decoration and changes. If the design is based on text-based images, and the text fonts are moderately deformed, the role of portrait expression is emphasized, eye-catching, and the individual characteristics of the product are highlighted. It mainly expresses the shape of the image. If auxiliary graphic text is used, it is only used for decoration and graphic symbol conversion in the design. The readability and recognition can be ignored, and only the decorative effect is emphasized, which must be distinguished.

4. Conclusion

By analyzing the plate factors, pattern factors and text factors one by one, we can see that any factor is indispensable for the series of cosmetics packaging design. The harmonious beauty of color design comes from the designer's own integration of the two elements of layout design and color design. The designer's control over the elements is a perfect interpretation of cosmetic packaging. Graphics are the "visual language" that expresses clear product information, and text is the most direct element of product attributes.