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Industry news

Full mouth capacity of plastic packaging bottles

Full mouth capacity of plastic packaging bottles

Full mouth capacity of plastic packaging bottles

When we buy a plastic packaging bottle product, the capacity value we see on the bottle is generally the filling capacity of the product. In fact, there is also a full mouth capacity, which consumers cannot see. This invisible full mouth capacity status It should not be underestimated, and I will unveil its mystery for you next.

In addition to the public capacity, the capacity of plastic packaging bottles also has a full mouth capacity. The full mouth capacity is the first requirement for a bottle. It is larger than the public capacity. The design of the full mouth capacity should consider the height from the liquid level line to the bottle mouth, and the bottle mouth. The transition arc arc or transition cone angle of the shoulder.

Full mouth capacity of plastic packaging bottles

Generally speaking, when we design the capacity of plastic packaging bottles, the full mouth capacity will be 10%-20% higher than the standard capacity. For example, if 100ml is to be filled, the full mouth capacity of the bottle needs to be designed to be 110ml-115ml. If the full mouth capacity is designed to be too large, the liquid level after filling will be too low. If it is a transparent package, consumers will definitely not accept a bottle of shampoo that looks only half full, which will also cause a waste of costs. Of course, , and cannot be designed too small, otherwise it will be too full.

The design of the full mouth capacity is very skillful. You can actually know whether the design of the plastic packaging bottle is reasonable or not by looking at the full mouth capacity!